Minecraft Mod: BdLibbdew

Attention all Minecraft players! If you are using older versions of the BdLibbdew mod for Minecraft 1.7 – 1.12, please be aware of a known security vulnerability. It is highly recommended to update to the latest versions available for Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.10.2, or 1.12.2 as soon as possible. For more information about the vulnerability, visit here.

We advise against playing these older versions on public servers due to the potential risks. However, playing in single-player mode is still safe. While the vulnerability has been addressed in BDLib, there are other mods that may still pose a threat.

If you wish to play multiplayer, we recommend installing one of the following mods as an added precaution:



Be informed that BdLibbdew is a collection of generic code utilized by various mods, including Gendustry, Pressure Pipes, Advanced Generators, AE2 Stuff, and Compacter.

This mod is open source and distributed under the MIT License. The source code is accessible on GitHub. You are granted permission to integrate it into both public and private mod packs for your gaming pleasure.

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