Minecraft Mod: Download Elenai DodgeElenaiDev Mod

Discover the exciting world of Elenai Dodge – a versatile and customizable dodge mod for Minecraft! Whether you’re exploring new terrains or engaging in epic battles, this mod enhances your gameplay with innovative features.

Unleash your dodge abilities with a simple keystroke and maneuver swiftly in all directions. Keep an eye on the Cooldown Bar that strategically appears post-dodge, adding a layer of tactical gameplay to your adventures.

Dive into the In-Depth Config Menu where you can tailor settings to your preferences. Adjust dodge power, cooldown duration, and explore modpack support options for a personalized gaming experience.

For those playing in version 1.12.2, enable Wall Jumping and Ledge Grabbing via the config settings. Leap off walls or boost up ledges effortlessly with these added functionalities.

Experience balanced gameplay mechanics that seamlessly integrate into Minecraft, keeping the gameplay fair and engaging. Choose from three movement options in the Mod Config to suit your playstyle.

Modpack creators can include Elenai Dodge without prior permission, just remember to credit the creator. Engage with the community and share your modpack creations to spread the joy of this mod.

For detailed controls and commands, dive into the intricacies of game stages, potion effects, and cooldown adjustments. Enhance your gameplay with player-specific abilities and power adjustments for a customized approach.

Explore the world of Elenai Dodge with its dynamic features and customizable options. Download now and embark on thrilling adventures in Minecraft like never before!

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