Minecraft Mod: Integrated Craftingkroeser

This mod is a must-have for Minecraft enthusiasts! To enjoy the full features of Integrated Craftingkroeser, you’ll need the Cyclops Core library and Integrated Dynamics + Integrated Tunnels installed in your game.

Integrated Craftingkroeser offers a seamless way to automatically craft items, fluids, and energy within your Integrated Dynamics networks. By leveraging the versatile logic of Integrated Dynamics, you can establish intricate auto-crafting systems. External machines can be interfaced to craft a diverse range of items using various combinations of resources.

Imagine setting triggers such as “craft buckets as long as it’s raining” or “craft planks using the Sawmill if you have less than 64, otherwise use the Crafting Table”. The possibilities are endless!

One of the standout features of this mod is the ‘On the Dynamics of Integration’ in-game documentation and tutorials provided through Integrated Dynamics. This ensures that you can easily grasp and make the most out of the mod’s capabilities.

In addition, Integrated Craftingkroeser introduces two new part types: the Crafting Interface and the Crafting Writer. These components play a pivotal role in managing recipe inputs and outputs during autocrafting.

To craft items effectively, you’ll need a storage network facilitated by Integrated Tunnels Interfaces. Further, machines can be linked to your network by attaching a Crafting Interface to them.

Integrated Dynamics Variable Cards store recipes that determine what the Crafting Interface can craft. These recipes can be created in the Integrated Dynamics Logic Programmer, offering support for items, fluids, and energy, alongside complete JEI integration.

Upon configuring your recipes, you can begin crafting tasks using tools like the Crafting Writer. This versatile tool allows you to craft items, fluids, energy, or specific recipes based on your requirements.

For manual job initiation, Integrated Terminals mod comes in handy by enabling you to start crafting jobs directly from a Storage Terminal.

If coding isn’t your forte, Integrated Terminals provides a user-friendly interface for effortless autocrafting management.

As a final note, the mod includes the option to disable anonymized startup data collection in the config file, aligning with Minecraft’s snooper settings.

Support the development of this mod with the referral code “cyclops” when renting a Minecraft server at Bisect Hosting, and enjoy a 25% discount on your first month as a bonus!

If you’re a fan of this mod, consider extending your support via Patreon. Dive into the world of Integrated Craftingkroeser and unlock a whole new dimension of crafting possibilities in Minecraft!

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