Welcome to the Minecraft mod Modular Routersdesht_08! This highly flexible mod allows you to manipulate items in various ways within the game world. By using the Item Router block and plug-in modules, you can:

– Extract items from inventories, including modded ones like Storage Drawers

– Transfer items to nearby or distant inventories

– Convert items into blocks or break blocks

– Drop items into the world or absorb them

– Launch items across long distances

– Sort items with advanced filters beyond just item/meta/NBT matching

– Discard unwanted items

– Access and manage your player inventory remotely

– Extend and retract lines of blocks using drawbridges

The possibilities are endless for creating intricate item-manipulating contraptions with just a single block and the right modules combination.

This mod is compatible with major Minecraft versions from 1.10.2 to 1.20 (except 1.13.x). Current support status:

– 1.20.4: Under development, release scheduled soon (Neoforge only)

– 1.20.1: Active support

– 1.19.2: Critical fixes only

– Older versions: Unsupported

For more information, join the community on Discord and explore the possibilities of this mod. New textures added in version 7.3.0, thanks to Ridanisaurus!

Additionally, Modular Routers integrates specifically with WAILA, TheOneProbe, JEI for tooltip enhancements in crafting recipes, and Patchouli for an in-game guidebook.

This mod is designed to work seamlessly with other mods using standard Forge or legacy inventories, offering compatibility with a wide range of Minecraft modifications. Please note that legacy IInventory support has been removed starting from v3.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.

Feel free to include this mod in your modpack without any restrictions. Let the developer know if you decide to do so, although it’s not mandatory.

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