Minecraft Mod: NoMoWandererTheJDill

Tired of those pesky Wandering Traders trampling through your carefully crafted Minecraft world just to offer lackluster trades? Look no further than the NoMoWandererTheJDill mod! This innovative addition provides players with the tools they need to prevent and control the spawns of these wandering nuisances.

Key Features:

  • No Soliciting Sign: Place this block to prevent specified entities from spawning within a customizable distance around it, keeping your surroundings free from unwanted visitors.
  • Anti-Soliciting Talisman: Equip this item in a Baubles slot, Curios slot, or simply keep it in your inventory to ward off Wandering Trader spawns within the same radius as the No Soliciting Sign. Toggle its effect with a simple Shift right-click.
  • Trader Rug: Use this block to designate a specific spawn location for Wandering Traders. Any traders spawning within its radius will appear on top of the rug, ensuring they don’t disrupt your world.

Configuration Options:

  • entityWatchList: Customize the list of entities that will be blocked from spawning near the No Soliciting Sign. Any unblocked entities will have their spawns redirected to the Trader Rug if applicable.
  • radius: Adjust the effective range of the mod’s items and blocks to suit your gameplay needs.
  • disableSpawns: Choose to disable all spawns of configured entities in the entityWatchList. Enable this option to maintain complete control over the spawning behavior in your world.

Download the NoMoWandererTheJDill mod today and reclaim your Minecraft realm from intrusive Wandering Traders!

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