Obscuria’s Tooltips (Legacy)Obscuria

Minecraft Mod: Obscuria’s Tooltips (Legacy)Obscuria

Obscuria’s Tooltips is a client-side mod that enhances your Minecraft gameplay by providing detailed descriptions and stat bars with icons for various items.

Key Features:

– Config File: Easily customize stat bars displayed based on item categories, such as Swords, Tools, and Armor from both vanilla and modded content.

– Custom Stat Bars: Version 1.1 introduces the ability to add custom stat bars to items using forge tags, allowing for in-depth information like damage, attack speed, armor value, durability, and more.

– Descriptions & Tips: Explore the Obscuria Collection through this mod, which organizes and translates descriptions for an easier understanding of unique items and their functionalities.

Distribution Rules:

– You are allowed to use this mod in your modpacks, servers, videos, and even create addons for it while monetizing content featuring this mod.

– When sharing this mod elsewhere, always provide a link back to the original page to support the creators.

– However, refrain from distributing modified mod files, utilizing mod assets for personal projects, or infringing on any copyright laws.

Obscuria Collection:

Obscuria Collection consists of adventure mods interconnected by a shared narrative and gameplay experience. Journey through new biomes, uncover legendary treasures, and face formidable bosses that push your limits.

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